Diario del Derecho. Edición de 17/05/2024
  • Diario del Derecho en formato RSS
  • ISSN 2254-1438
  • EDICIÓN DE 10/10/2022

Legal accountability of AI


University of Valencia (Spain)
October 13-14, 2022

Conference Webpage: https://esdeveniments.uv.es/go/AIValencia2022

Registration for on-line attendance: https://esdeveniments.uv.es/87832/tickets/legal-accountability-of-ai.html

Registration for on-site attendance: https://esdeveniments.uv.es/87832/tickets/legal-accountability-of-ai.html


October, 13

9:30 - 9:45



9:45 - 11:15

Claudio Novelli (U. Bologna): “Accountability in Artificial Intelligence: What Is and How it Works”

Fernando Gómez Pomar & Mireia Artigot Golobardes (U. Pompeu Fabra): “Contractual (un)fairness in personalized algorithmic consumer contracts”

Sébastien Fassiaux (U. Pompeu Fabra): “Long-term regulation of artificial intelligence to preserve consumer autonomy in the EU”

11:15 - 11:45

Coffee break

11:45 - 13:00

Keynote Speech:

Omri Ben Shahar (Leo and Eileen Herzel Professor of Law, Chicago Law School): “Law and Artificial Intelligence”

13:00 - 13:30

Short presentations:

Ann-Katrien Oimann (KU Leuven): “Why Command responsibility may (not) be a solution to address responsibility gaps in LAWS”

Victoria Granda (U. València): “Legal analysis of AI systems: Machine Learning and the Data Protection - personal and non-personal data - mechanisms for minimum legal guarantees”

13:30 - 15:00

Lunch break


15:00 - 17:00

Anna Ginés Fabrellas (U. Ramon Llull): “Is transparency necessary to legally assess algorithmic discrimination in the workplace?”

Petia Guintchev (U. Barcelona): “Accountability of software errors in rule-based AI”

Andrés Chomczyk Penedo & Pablo Trigo Kramcsák (VU Brussels): “Will data spaces enable or limit AI automated decision making for EU finances? Opportunities and regulatory challenges”

Adrián Segura Moreiras, Guillermo Torrubia de Nova & Sheila Canudas Perarnau (U. Pompeu Fabra): “The automatization of tax law: the way to equiparate the contributors’ position”

17:00 - 17:30

Short presentations:

Andrea María García Ortiz (U. València): “Disadvantages of the use of AI in the Criminal Justice System”

Mireia Molina Sánchez (U. València): “Algorithmic transparency as a mechanism to reduce patrimonial claims to the state in cases of gender violence”

October, 14


9:30 - 11:00

Lorenzo Cotino Hueso (U. València): “La transparencia algorítmica en la Comunitat Valenciana”

María Luisa Atienza Navarro (U. València): “Últimas propuestas para la regulación de la responsabilidad civil por los daños causados por la IA”

Ignacio Fernández Chacón (U. Oviedo): “The new regulation of safe harbors in the Digital Services Act: more of the same?”

11:00 - 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 - 12:30

Lucía Martínez Garay (U. València): “Auditabilidad de algoritmos en el ámbito penal: situación actual y dificultades de lograr el acceso y revisión externas”

Adrián Palma Ortigosa (U. València): “El enfoque del riesgo en la propuesta del Reglamento Europeo de Inteligencia Artificial. Luces y sombras”

12:30 - 13:30

Juli Ponce Solé (U. Barcelona): “Some considerations on the relationship between humans and artificial intelligence: accountability, human reserve and human supervision”

Leonor Moral Soriano (U. Granada): “Trustworthy automated decision-making systems in public law”

For further information, please contact [email protected].

Organizing Committee: Alba Nogueira (USC), Mireia Artigot (UPF), Fernando Gómez Pomar (UPF)

Alba Soriano (UV), Andrea Kruithof (UV), Clàudia Gimeno (UV), Lorenzo Cotino (UV), Gabriel Doménech (UV), Andrés Boix (UV).


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