Jueves 20
8:30 Registro y entrega de material
9:00 Bienvenida
9:30 Dr. Juan Carlos Bayón
The Province of Jurisprudence Underdetermined
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
10:15 Debate
11:15 Coffee break
11:45 Dr. Frederick Schauer
Distinguishing the Essential from the Important in Explaining the Nature of Law
University of Virginia (Estados Unidos)
12:30 Debate
13:30 Comida
15:00 Dr. Brian Bix
Ideals, Concepts and Practices in Legal Theory
University of Minnesota (Estados Unidos)
15:45 Debate
16:45 Coffee break
17:15 Dr. Eugenio Bulygin
Alexy on Legal Positivism
Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
18:00 Debate
Viernes 21
9:00 Dr. Jules Coleman
The Difference Law Makes
Yale University (Estados Unidos)
9:45 Debate
10:45 Coffee break
11:15 Dr. Jorge Rodríguez
Law and Neutrality: The Self-Destruction of Normative Positivism
Universidad de Mar del Plata (Argentina)
12:00 Debate
13:00 Comida
14:30 Dr. Riccardo Guastini
Description and Evaluation in the Theory of Legal Interpretation
Università degli studi di Genova (Italia)
15:15 Debate
16:15 Coffee break
16:45 Dr. Brian Leiter
The Demarcation Problem in Jurisprudence: A New Case for Skepticism
University of Chicago (Estados Unidos)
17:30 Debate
Sábado 22
9:00 Dr. Bruno Celano
Public Reason and the Rule of Law: The Grounds of Inclusive Ethical Positivism
Università degli studi di Palermo (Italia)
9:45 Debate
10:45 Coffee break
11:15 Dr. Scott Shapiro
What is law (and why should we care)?
Yale University (Estados Unidos)
12:00 Debate
13:00 Comida
14:30 Dr. Wilfrid Waluchow
In Praise of Descriptive-Explanatory Legal Theory
McMaster University (Canadá)
15:15 Debate
16:15 Coffee break
16:45 Dr. Robert Alexy
The Dual Nature of Law
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Alemania)
17:30 Debate
El idioma del Congreso será el inglés y habrá traducción simultánea inglés-castellano