Diario del Derecho. Edición de 03/05/2024
  • Diario del Derecho en formato RSS
  • ISSN 2254-1438
  • EDICIÓN DE 27/03/2020

XIII European Regional Congress of the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law


Del 2 al 4 de septiembre de 2020 se celebrará en Lisboa el “XIII European Regional Congress of the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law”.


September 2


10h00 - Welcome and Registration

10h30 - Young Scholars meeting

11h00 - ISLSSL Executive Commitee meeting, chaired by Janice Bellace and Giuseppe Casale


14h00 - Doctoral Students meeting chaired by Janice Bellace, (President, ISLSSL)

15h30 - Opening Ceremony

16h00 - 1st Plenary Session (round table):

Artificial Intelligence And Human Work: What Lies Ahead?

Chair: Janice Bellace (President ISLSSL)

Digital work vs. new forms of entrepreneurial organization - Carlos Moedas (Former European Commissioner, Portugal)

New perspectives on Artificial Intelligence and employment - Arlindo Oliveira (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon - Portugal)

Artificial Intelligence within enterprises: case study (speaker to be confirmed)

The goals of labour law in the age of artificial intelligence - Guy Davidov (Hebrew University, Israel

18h00 - Reception

September 3


9h30 - 2nd Plenary Session:

Work In Digital Platforms: Legal Challenges

Chair: Ronnie Eklund (Stockholm University)

Who to employ in digital platforms? - Miguel Rodrigues- Piñero Royo (University of Seville)

How to identify an employee vis-à-vis the new reality? - Valerio De Stefano (University of Leuven, Belgium)

Subordination versus economic dependence in employment relationships in the digital era - Maria do Rosário Palma Ramalho (University of Lisbon - Portugal)

11h00 - Coffee break

11h30 - 1st Parallel Session:

Health And Safety At The Workplace And Social Security Protection In A Digital World

Chair: Jean-Michel Servais (Honorary President ISLSSL)

Major risks for health and safety in employment relations in the digital era - Leszek Mitrus (Jagiellonian University - Poland)

Social security systems in the digital era - Kroum Markov (ILO)

Liability for work-related injuries in the digital era - Júlio Gomes (Portuguese Supreme Court)

11h30 - 2nd Parallel Session:

Social Networks And Employment Contract: What Are The Problems?

Chair: Mia Runnmar (University of Lund)

Limits on freedom of speech in social networks - Felicia Rosioru (University Babeş-Bolyai, Romenia )

Seeking for a job: what is the place of social networks? - Regina Redinha (Universidade do Porto - Portugal)

Social networks: public or private sphere? - Marie-Cécile Escande-Varniol (Université Lumière Lyon II - France)

11h30 - 3rd Parallel Session:

Presentation Of The Book “Modern Forms of Work”, Young Scholars Section

Coordination: Stefano Bellomo (Università La Sapienza, Rome, Italy) / David Carvalho Martins (AJJ, Portugal)

11h30 - 4th Parallel Session (conducted in Portuguese):

Work In The Digital Era, Developments In Portugal

Chair: Manuel Pinto Hespanhol (Portuguese Supreme Court)

Employment in the digital era: a new concept of worker? - António Monteiro Fernandes (ISCTE, Lisboa - Portugal)

Work in the digital era: a new concept of employer / enterprise? - Catarina Carvalho (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto - Portugal)

Work in the digital era: a new paradigm for collective bargaining? - José João Abrantes (Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Portugal)

11h30 - 5th Parallel Session (conducted in Spanish)

Work in the digital Era: Developments in Spain

Chair: María Emilia Casas Baamonde (President AEDTSS)

José Luis Goñi Sein - Public University of Navarra, Spain

Jesús Mercader Uguina - University Carlos III, Madrid, Spain

María Luz Rodríguez Fernández - University of Castilla - La Mancha, Madrid, Spain

11h30 - 6th Parallel Session (Presentation of Papers):

11h30 - 7th Parallel Session (Presentation of Papers):

13h00 - Lunch break


15h00 - 3rd Plenary Session:

Working Time And Workplace In The Digital Era: New Frontiers?

Chair: Manfred Weiss (Honorary President ISLSSL)

Working time, time for oneself and right to disconnect - João Leal Amado (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal)

Remote work, telework and smart work - Natalie Munkholm (University of Aarhus, Denmark)

Globalization: how to discover the proper law of the employment contract? - Piera Loi (University of Cagliari, Italy)

16h30 - Coffee break

17h00 - 8th Parallel Session:

Equality And Non-Discrimination In Digital Work

Chair: Frank Hendrickx (University of Leuven, Belgium)

Gender (in)equality in digital platforms? - Sylvaine Laulom (Cour de Cassation, France)

Digital work, equality and the reconciliation of professional life and private and family life - Susanne Burri (University of Utrecht, Netherlands)

Digital era, employment and discrimination: is there a discriminatory algorithm? - Teresa Coelho Moreira (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)

17h00 - 9th Parallel Session:

Robotics, Automation And Employment Contract: Main Trends

Chair: to be confirmed

Human work and automation: future trends - José Eduardo Resende Chaves Júnior (President of the Ibero-American Union of Judges)

Automation and technological unemployment: legal aspects - Joana Vasconcelos (Univerdade Católica Portuguesa, Lisboa, Portugal)

Managed by Algorithms: Legal Aspects of Automated Decision Making - Martin Risak (University of Wien, Austria)

17h00 - 10th Parallel Session (conducted in French):

The Algorithm And The Employment Contract

Chair: Martine Le Friant (Université d’Avignon, France)

Speakers to be confirmed

17h00 - 11th Parallel Session (conducted in Portuguese)

Platform Capitalism and Telework

Chair: Nelson Mannrich (University of São Paulo, Brazil)

Luis Carlos Robortella (Lawyer)

Jouberto de Quadros Pessoa Cavalcante (Mackenzie Presbyterian Institute, São Paulo, Brazil)

Maria Cristina Irigoyen Peduzzi (President of the Superior Labour Court); Maria do Rosário Palma Ramalho (University of Lisbon)

17:00 - 12th Parallel Session: (conducted in Portuguese)

17h00 - 13th Parallel Session: Presentation Of Papers

17h00 - 14th Parallel Session: Presentation Of Papers

End of day

20h00 - Gala Dinner - Registration needed - Know more here!

September 4


9h30 - 4th Plenary Session:

Work In A Digital Era, Human Rights And Personal Data Protection

Chair: Maria do Rosário Palma Ramalho (President APODIT)

Technological Omniscience, Social Freedom, and the Law - Matthew Finkin (University of Illinois, USA)

The digital era and personal data protection: case law - Ana Guerra Martins (European Court of Human Rights)

Digital work, fundamental rights and personality rights - Guillermo Barrios Baudor (University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain)

11h00 - Coffee break

11h30 - 5th Plenary Session:

Collective Action And Collective Bargaining In The Digital Era: Main Trends

Chair: Stein Evju (University of Oslo)

Digital work and trade unionism: can they go together? - Bernd Waas (University of Frankfurt, Germany)

Digital work and collective bargaining, a new regulatory challenge? - Fausta Guarriello (University Chieti-Pescara, Italy)

Digital work: a new task for social dialogue? - Jesús Cruz Vilallón (University of Seville, Spain)

13h00 - Closing Session - General Assembly of the ISLSSL


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