Diario del Derecho. Edición de 18/04/2024
  • Diario del Derecho en formato RSS
  • ISSN 2254-1438
  • EDICIÓN DE 03/02/2014

Religion and Law in Spain


El profesor Javier Martínez-Torrón, publica una nueva obra, “Religion and Law in Spain”, dentro del proyecto International Enciclopedia of Laws, en la que se pretende exponer de manera completa la regulación jurídica del factor religioso en España.

Table of Contents:

The Author

List of Abbreviations


General Introduction

Part I. Legal Framework and Sources

Chapter 1. Constitutional Position of Religion

Chapter 2. Other Legislation with Regard to Religion

Chapter 3. Typology of the System

Part II. Religious Freedom in General

Chapter 1. Individual Religious Freedom

Chapter 2. Freedom of Conscience and Legal Obligations: Conscientious Objections

Chapter 3. Collective Religious Freedom

Chapter 4. Organizational Religious Freedom

Part III. Legal Status of Religious Communities

Chapter 1. Formal Status of Religious Communities

Chapter 2. Autonomy of Religious Communities

Chapter 3. Places of Worship and Meeting

Chapter 4. Fundamental Rights and Religious Communities

Chapter 5. Contractual Religious Freedom

Chapter 6. Religious Assistance in Public Institutions

Part IV. International, Transnational, Regional Effects on Religious Communities

Chapter 1. International Law Effects on Religious Communities

Chapter 2. Transnational Law Effects on Religious Communities

Chapter 3. Regional Law Effects on Religious Communities

Part V. Religion and Politics

Chapter 1. Religion Influence in Politics

Chapter 2. Political Influence in Religion

Chapter 3. Interaction between Religion and State on a Political and Legal Level

Part VI. Labour Law within Religious Communities

Chapter 1. Scope of Application of Labour Law

Chapter 2. Religious Ministers and Labour Law

Chapter 3. Other Church Employees and Labour Law

Part VII. Religious Communities and Protections of the Individual

Chapter 1. Protection of Privacy

Chapter 2. Freedom to Marry

Chapter 3. Freedom of Expression

Chapter 4. Due Process Norms and Religious Groups

Chapter 5. Professional Secrecy

Chapter 6. Medical Deontology

Chapter 7. Non-discrimination

Chapter 8. Penal Law and Religion

Part VIII. Church Financing

Chapter 1. Direct Financing of Religious Communities

Chapter 2. Indirect Financing of Religious Communities

Part IX. Education

Chapter 1. Religious Education in Public and Private Schools

Chapter 2. Religious Schools

Part X. Matrimonial and Family Law

Chapter 1. Legal Position of Religious Marriage

Chapter 2. Legal Position of Religious Family Law

Part XI. Religion and Culture

Chapter 1. Religion and Art

Chapter 2. Religion and Media

Chapter 3. Religion and Civil Society

Chapter 4. Religion and Public Debate

Selected Bibliography



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