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Sello de Calidad de la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la TecnologíaDIRECTOR
Luis Enrique de la Villa Gil (Catedrático Emérito DTSS, Uam. Abogado)

José Ignacio García Ninet (Catedrático Emérito DTSS, U. Barcelona)

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Novedades más sobresalientes del RDL 2/2023: las que acaban de llegar y las que, posiblemente, lleguen después. (RI §426671)  

Most outstanding news of RDL 2/2023: those that just arrived and those that possibly arrive later - Inmaculada Ballester Pastor

El RDL 2/2023, de 16 de marzo, implementa la segunda fase de la reforma de las pensiones y ha traído consigo un sinfín de cambios, resultando muy importantes las modificaciones que van a ejercer una influencia positiva en la brecha de las pensiones. Este estudio pretende identificar las que serían modificaciones más sobresalientes, explicar su significación, origen y trascendencia. Al tiempo se clarifica, también, el momento de entrada en vigor de cada cambio, una tarea nada sencilla pues el Real Decreto Ley incorpora seis fechas de entrada en vigor diferentes y ello dificulta su comprensión.

pensiones; brecha de género; seguridad social; integración de lagunas; reforma legal.

Palabras clave: pensiones; brecha de género; seguridad social; integración de lagunas; reforma legal.;

RDL 2/2023, of March 16, implements the second phase of the pension reform and has brought with it a host of changes, with the modifications being very important and will exert a positive influence on the pension gap. This study aims to identify what would be the most outstanding modifications, explain their significance, origin and significance. At the same time, the moment of entry into force of each change is also clarified, not a simple task since the RDL incorporates more than six different entry into force dates and this makes it difficult to understand.

I. AN INITIAL AND NECESSARY OVERVIEW OF RDL 2/2023, OF MARCH 16.- II. THE NEW REGULATION AIMED AT REDUCE THE GENDER GAP IN PENSIONS.- 1. The changes that are already operating.- 1.1. The increase in the periods that are understood to be contributed to contributory family benefits until reaching three years.- 1.2. The tweaks in the article 60 TRLGSS, regulator of the gender gap complement.- 2. A great improvement in force since October 2023: each day worked is a paid day for part-time workers.- 3. The temporary and specific increase of the gender gap complement by 10% during the years 2024 and 2025.- 4. The improvements on the integration of gaps that will come in January 2026.- III. THE INCREASE IN THE AGE OF THE MINOR IN THE BENEFIT FOR CARE OF MINORS WITH SERIOUS ILLNESS.- IV. THE CHANGES OPERATION IN THE MANAGEMENT OF TEMPORARY DISABILITY.- V. THE INCLUSION OF STUDENTS IN TRAINING PRACTICES IN THE SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM SINCE JANUARY 1, 2024.- VI. THE INTRODUCTION OF THE INTEGRATION OF GAPS IN THE RETA SINCE JANUARY 2026.- VII. EPILOGUE: A CUMULUS OF DOSED AND TIMED NEWS.

Keywords: Pensions; gender gap; social security; gap integration; legal reform.;

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