La carrera infinita entre las comunidades autónomas en España e Italia. La paradoja de Aquiles y la tortuga como efecto (no deseado) del regionalismo asimétrico. (RI §426428)
The infinite race between the autonomous communities in Spain and Italy. The paradox of Achilles and the turtle as an (unwanted) effect of asymmetric regionalism -
Gianluca Gardini
La experiencia española proporciona indicaciones útiles sobre la trayectoria del Estado autonómico como modelo de descentralización, incluso para comprender la posible evolución del regionalismo en Italia. El Gobierno de centroderecha liderado por la primera ministra Giorgia Meloni ha vuelto a plantear con fuerza el tema de la diferenciación territorial, aprovechando la posibilidad otorgada a las Regiones ordinarias de solicitar «formas adicionales y condiciones particulares de autonomía», de conformidad con el art. 116.3 de la Constitución (el llamado regionalismo asimétrico), que hasta hoy había quedado inactivo. El riesgo más evidente de un modelo totalmente asimétrico, es decir, extendido a las Regiones ordinarias italianas, consiste en el inicio de una carrera interminable entre Regiones diferenciadas (ricas) y no diferenciadas (menos ricas), según una dinámica de perenne acercamiento-distanciamiento, como revela la experiencia española.
The Spanish experience provides useful indications on the trajectory of the “Estado autonomico” as a model of decentralization, even to understand the possible evolution of regionalism in Italy. The center-right government led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has once again strongly raised the issue of territorial differentiation, taking advantage of the possibility granted to ordinary Regions to request "additional forms and particular conditions of autonomy", in accordance with art. 116.3 of the Constitution (the so-called asymmetric regionalism), which until today had remained inactive. The most obvious risk of a totally asymmetric model, id est extended to the ordinary Italian Regions, consists in the start of an endless race between differentiated (rich) and non-differentiated (less rich) Regions, according to a dynamic of perennial rapprochement-distancing, as revealed by the Spanish experience.
1. Buscando nuevos equilibrios entre la unidad y la autonomía; -2. El modelo español; -3. La influencia del modelo español en el regionalismo italiano: la creación de las Regiones especiales; -4. La uniformidad de las Regiones ordinarias; - 5. La crisis progresiva del regionalismo italiano; -6. La introducción del “regionalismo asimétrico” en Italia; -7. La paradoja de Aquiles y la tortuga como escenario final (a evitar).
The Spanish experience provides useful indications on the trajectory of the “Estado autonomico” as a model of decentralization, even to understand the possible evolution of regionalism in Italy. The center-right government led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has once again strongly raised the issue of territorial differentiation, taking advantage of the possibility granted to ordinary Regions to request "additional forms and particular conditions of autonomy", in accordance with art. 116.3 of the Constitution (the so-called asymmetric regionalism), which until today had remained inactive. The most obvious risk of a totally asymmetric model, id est extended to the ordinary Italian Regions, consists in the start of an endless race between differentiated (rich) and non-differentiated (less rich) Regions, according to a dynamic of perennial rapprochement-distancing, as revealed by the Spanish experience.