Revisiting the Protection of Individual Rights and Community Rights on the Grounds of Religious Belief in Israel-A Theoretical Criticism and Case Analysis. (RI §414218)
La complejidad en la protección de los derechos religiosos se intensifica en las sociedades multi-religiosas y multinaciones. Tal es el caso de Israel que es tanto un estado democrático, multicultural y multirreligioso y un estado judío. En este articulo se discutirá que todas estas caracterñisticas y principalmente la última tienn implicaciones en la forma de gestionar y proteger los derechos individuales y colectivos relativos a la libertad de creencias en Israel
I. Introduction. II. Israel as a Jewish and Democratic State. III. The Discourse of Religious Rights in Israeli Society. A. The Gender-Segregated Bus-Line Case. IV. Protection of the Arab Minority's Religious Rights: The Millet System. A. The Hijab Case. B. The Mosque in Be-er Sheeva Case.
The complexity of protecting religious rights is intensified in multicultural or multi-religious and multi-national societies. Such is the case in Israel, which is both democratic, multicultural and multi-religious and a Jewish state. In this article I will argue that all of these characteristics, and mainly the last one, have implications for the forms of governing and protecting individual and community rights on the grounds of religious belief in Israel.