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Sello de Calidad de la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la TecnologíaDIRECTOR
Antonio Fernández de Buján
Catedrático de Derecho Romano de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Juan Miguel Alburquerque
Catedrático de Derecho Romano de la Universidad de Córdoba

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‘Causae communi libertatis inimicus’. Verres and the right of ‘provocatio’ in the provinces. (RI §411098)  

- Anna Tarwacka

In the Verrine orations Cicero described the case of Publius Gavius flogged and crucified by Verres regardless to the right of provocatio. The governor did not pay any attention to the fact that Gavius was a Roman citizen and was ready to prove it. The basic reason for the execution was an accusation of espionage for Spartacus’ forces. It seems possible that in case of a serious threat of the civil order disturbance, the provincial governor was able to exceed his standard powers. He might have been able to punish a citizen hic et nunc, if he could prove him to be a spy. Such a conclusion may be drawn from the fact that Verres did not try to suppress the incident but only to underline the charge of spying.

Palabras clave: Verres; Publius Gavius; provocatio ad populum;

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