The Spanish legislation subsequent to the Constitution of 1978 was centralist. The Organic Law of Freedom of Religion (1980) and the Agreements (1992) with the minorities Jewish, Islamic and Evangelical did not consider the competitions of the Parliaments of the Autonomous Regions. This contradicts not only the constitutional principle of competition but the material scope reserved to the Organic Law. First, because the article 16,3 provides that the cooperation must take place by all the public powers. Second, because the development of the Organic Law does not have to be extensive. The author demonstrates that the Organic Law of Freedom Religious betrays articles 81,1 and 16,3 of the Constitution. In addition, Prof. Seglers explores the possible content of the competition of the State to establish the conditions of equality of the religious freedom in Spain.
1. Preliminar. – 2. La reserva de ley orgánica. – 3. La naturaleza jurídica de la ley orgánica: ¿es la regulación de la libertad religiosa una “competencia” exclusiva del Estado? – 4. El ámbito material de la ley orgánica y su extensión injustificada en la LOLR. – 5. Las denominadas “materias conexas” y su ausencia en la LOLR. – 6. La futura LOLR: líneas de futuro