Esta colaboración trata de superar el predominante olvido de los historiadores del Derecho y los romanistas acerca de la aportación realizada por Manuel Rodríguez de Berlanga a dichas ciencias. Se analizan aspectos tanto relacionados con su vida como con su obra, uniendo ambas facetas que en su caso están íntimamente relacionadas. Se hace un análisis de los posibles motivos de dicho olvido, pueden intuirse en el escaso talante académico de Joaquín Gómez de la Cortina, marqués de Morante, director de su tesis, que no supo estimular su carrera universitaria y en el cambio de aptitud de Eduardo de Hinojosa (probablemente no por razones científicas) en su juicio sobre Berlanga.
A portrayal aimed to rescue from oblivion the contribution made by Manuel Rodríguez de Berlanga to the scientific fields of Roman Law and Legal History, as legal historians and romanists tends to oversight it. Aspects related to his life as well as to his work are analyzed, for both of them appear very closely tied around Berlanga’s subject and must be jointly considered. Some hypothesis are provided to shed some light on the grounds of this oblivion. In this respect the author feels that one of these reasons could be the lack of drive towards the academy showed by Joaquín Gómez de la Cortina, marquis of Morante, Berlanga doctoral dissertation’s advisor, who did not know how to stimulate Berlanga’s career as an scholar. Also, the change of attitude from the part of Eduardo de Hinojosa (a change probably not due to scientifical reasons) in his judgment over Berlanga.