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Sello de Calidad de la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la TecnologíaDIRECTOR
Antonio Fernández de Buján
Catedrático de Derecho Romano de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Juan Miguel Alburquerque
Catedrático de Derecho Romano de la Universidad de Córdoba

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Conexión a la revista


Pacta sunt servanda y los contratos administrativos. (RI §413503)  

- Tzwetan Sivkov

The article studies the relationship between the classical legal construction Pacta sunt servanda and administrative contracts. The obligation to observe and fulfill contracts is of utmost importance for the public interest and the public relations between citizens and legal persons, on the one hand, and state institutions, on the other hand. In this case rules from Private law are incorporated into the domain of Public law in order to keep up with the development of public relations, thus leading to the combination of public and private interest.

Keywords: Pacta sunt servanda; Administrative contract; Public law; Private law.;

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