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Sello de Calidad de la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la TecnologíaDIRECTOR
Ignacio Berdugo Gómez de la Torre
Catedrático de Derecho Penal

José Ramón Serrano-Piedecasas
Catedrático de Derecho Penal

Carmen Gómez Rivero
Catedrática de Derecho Penal

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Rearme punitivo en la moderna sociedad del riesgo. Garantismo versus utilitarismo. Los casos paradigmáticos de la lucha frente al terrorismo y la criminalidad organizada. (RI §411791)  

- Miguel Ángel Iglesias Río

Contemporary criminal law faces new and complex phenomenologies criminals, particularly those that encompass the broad spectrum of organized crime and international terrorism. However, under the pretext that the traditional criminal and procedural responses, aimed at key guarantees, are supposed to be ineffective, the current legislature, for electoral reasons, it folds to the insistent demands of public opinion to extend the tentacles of criminal law and to increase the penalties of contempt of certain fundamental principles and basic civil liberties, but on the other hand, all this serves to neutralize the alleged crime effectively.

Keywords: Organized crime; Terrorism. Fear of crime; Feelings of insecurity; Criminal law and procedural law of the enemy; Penal guarantees; Limits the right to punish;

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