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Sello de Calidad de la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la TecnologíaDIRECTOR
Antonio Fernández de Buján
Catedrático de Derecho Romano de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Juan Miguel Alburquerque
Catedrático de Derecho Romano de la Universidad de Córdoba

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L’istruzione probatoria nel processo romano-canonico: concetto e onere della prova dal XIII al XV secolo. (RI §407848)  

The probative education in the roman-canonical trial: concept and burden of the test from XIII to XV century - Roberto Migliorini

Se trata de analizar el proceso de evolución de la instrucción probatoria en el proceso romano canónico en la baja edad media y en los inicios de la edad moderna. Se estudia especialmente el valor dado a Si tornò a las declaraciones testificales u documentales. Asimismo se estudia el amplio arbitrio del juez para valorar las pruebas presentadas en conciencia.

Palabras clave: Proceso romano canónico; Instrucción probatoria; Pruebas documentales y testificales; Arbitrio judicial;

Also before thousand the traditions of civilization took back their prevalence in all the Italian territories, and in the judicial classrooms to spirit of reflection fluttered, of reasoning, that crossed the practice probative of systems that they put again the decision to the houses, to the strength brutal of the duel, or to the rashness of whom was able also to swear the forgery. You it returned to give great value to the testimonies and the written documents, that had been the tests for excellence in the territories immune been by the Germanic influence, and where, formal tests neither differences not existing among you argue of fact or by law, the parts defended as they were able, and the judge sentenced according to conscience, even forced not by those restrictions that Giustinian had introduced in comparison to the free evaluation of probative the elements.

Keywords: Probative education in the roman-canonical; Value to the testimonies and written documents; Judge sentenced according to conscience;

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